Alter & Circulate, TAG Projects


From 2002-2007, I was in an arts collective called Tag Projects. We built community, self-produced five exhibitions, sold work, and even got a rave review from Holland Cotter in The New York Times!

These photos are from the last show we did called “Alter & Circulate.”

TAG Projects, Portraits by Morgan-Owens
Polaroids by Morgan-Owens, (Thanks Jessie!) with portraits of William (Patrick) Armstrong, Sara Julig, Tim Kent and a group shot also including the artists Charnan Lewis, Jessie Morgan-Owens, Magdalen Pierakos, Monika Zarenka and myself.

This was the concept: Eight artists create eight collaborative works on paper over the course of one afternoon.  At the end of the day they exhibit the work. At the end of the exhibit they destroy the work. Artists spend the first hour setting up, chatting and drinking coffee. They spend the next 4 hours working, rotating from one panel to the next, every 20 minutes. At the end of the day, they are back to the panel they started with and everyone has worked on each panel. Then they eat pizza and dance.

To my surprise, no one wanted to destroy the work and we ended up selling several of them. They were full of good energy (and still wet). Thank you Sacha Jones and DBA for hooking us up with the space!

Alter & Circulate, TAG Projects, Before Photo
Alter & Circulate, TAG Projects, After Photo