I’m very happy to share my first art-furniture commission. These three clothing sculptures serve as bases for a glass-topped table. The color scheme was inspired by California’s legendary sunsets, but through the lens of memory, fantasy and photo manipulation. It bears a relationship to a piece from 2016 called Night Sky.

Back in October, an architecture firm based in LA called Andmore Partners reached out and said something like: “We love your work, can you make us a table out of stacked clothing? It will be for a store, so it has to be very stable and easy to move. And you’ll have to ship it from The Catskills to Venice Beach.”
Creativity is about solving problems. So I designed an armature from white pine and upholstered it with one inch strips of clothing. The three bases are pretty big, so I made them in two parts with a removable top to provide access to an internal handle.
So are they hollow? The secret space inside each base, holds the stores tied to the thousands of garments used to create this piece.
You can see them a Circular Library in Los Angeles, a new clothing store grappling with sustainability. If you find yourself in Venice Beach, stop by and say “hello” to them?