Art installation, Travers Park, Queens


Clothing Sculpture: To Reshuffle the Sun – Study

This Thursday, September 21st
– One Day Only –
Art installation in Jackson Heights, Queens, 8-4

Travers Park
76-9 34th Ave,
Jackson Heights
Queens, NY 11372

This Thursday is looking like the perfect day for an outdoor clothing sculpture installation. So enough nail-biting, I’m calling it! I have all the clothing sorted, the U-Haul is reserved and I’ve got some great helpers lined up. Now all I need is you! Come by in the morning to see us in action, or after lunch to see the completed clothing sculpture.

To Recap, I’ll cover the hill-shaped lawn in Travers Park with second-hand clothing, arranged like a giant color wheel but with a dark center and a light outer edge. The lawn is shaped like the letter D and is over 200 feet wide. This will be the largest piece I have ever made, by far.

At the end of the day, I’ll weigh all the clothing that was used and count the number of garments. Using the latest statistics, I’ll then calculate how long it would take for that much textile waste to be generated by NYC residents. Having done these calculations before, I’ll wager ~ one minute.

Thanks again to The NYC Parks Department for getting behind this project!

This exhibition is made possible (in part) with public funds from the Queens Arts Fund, a re-grant program supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by the New York Foundation for the Arts.