This work, along with 2 others, was commissioned by Eileen Fisher. All the garments (approximately 800 lbs. in this piece) came from Renew, Eileen Fisher’s take-back and reuse program. They preserve the value of their clothes at every stage, in any condition. The garments are cleaned, repaired and re-sold, given to women in need and used to create new garments, textiles and art. This piece was installed in the Detroit store and will be on display for a year or so. After that, the garments will go back into the Renew program to be turned into something else.
With casters and an eye hook attached to the base, this piece can be rolled from one part of the store to another. This strategy harkens back to a piece I created for The University of Maryland in 2010 called Social Mobility.
Approximate Size:
7′ x 28′ x 28′ (H x W x D)
Second-hand clothing, wood, steel & casters
Note: The tile was inspired by Aldous Huxley’s book, The Doors of Perception.
More about this in the Blog.