I created this photo-based textile art piece in 2021, but I did the hand-sketch a few years before on scrap paper (below).

However, the idea was inspired by some photos I found in the trash around 1991 (below). Back then I lived in the East Village in NYC. I did a lot of work with found objects back then. In fact, some people called me the trash king.
If memory serves, the detail image of the sweater was inside the gatefold photo. The paperclip and brass safety pin are my additions.
I like the idea that the hand can ‘see’ in a sense, making a picture in the mind of what it feels. A kind of synesthesia.

I guess I was making ‘textile art’ even then. Ideas sometimes take a while to percolate for me. I’m still not completely sure what this piece is about, but I keep coming back to it, so I’m going with it.
Thanks to the ever so patient Scott Hall for posing with me. See more of my drawings here